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Adoptable Pumping Station Process

Adoptable pumping station and kiosk on housing estate.

What is an Adoptable Pumping Station?

Once installed and commissioned, an adoptable pumping station becomes the property of the relevant local water authority – making them responsible for all future operation, maintenance and repair of the station.

In order to achieve adoption the pumping station must meet the specific publicised regulations of the Design & Construction Guidance (DCG), Construction Design and Management (CDM) and the water authority it is being designed under.

Until April 2020, the regulation for compliance was called ‘Sewers for Adoption’. This was replaced by the DCG and approved by Ofwat as part of the Sewerage Sector Guidance (SSG) documentation, which aims to standardise processes and procedures across the country.

Adoptable pumping stations are large by design when compared to private systems and are constructed individually to suit each development's unique requirements, making lead times longer than that of readily available, pre-formed package style stations. Off-site solutions can help to shorten lead times of the required adoptable station components, such as T-T’s Ready Sump - a precast concrete sump that meets adoptable standards and reduces installation time, costs and risks from a design, health and safety perspective.

Design Submission Process

Prior to any work commencing on site, the pumping station design must be approved by the appropriate water authority, as well as satisfy all DCG and CDM requirements to ensure the system’s safety.

Part of the design submission process to the Water Authority includes gaining technical approval of the pump station, the requirements of which will be different on every site. For example, the Water Authority may request surge analysis on a site with a rising main length of over 500 meters to ensure there will be no unexpected pressure surges that damage the station equipment.

Installation & Commissioning

Post design approval, installation can take place on site. This process is typically completed in two fixes.

The first fix covers the delivery and mechanical installation of all equipment, fitted within the existing concrete structures (such as a pre-cast concrete sump or custom concrete benching). This includes valves, pipework and level control units such as a float switch.

Following installation, the second fix takes place - this involves the mechanical and electrical commissioning of the system. A thorough NICEIC check will be carried out by a qualified engineer to ensure the pumping station is safe and meets the required specifications for safety in the DCG. The operating sequence and overall functionality will be monitored while the station is in full operation, following which a full installation and commissioning report will be provided to the developer for their records.

Pre-Adoption Maintenance Period

Local Water Authorities typically require a 12-month maintenance period managed by the developer as this covers the standard warranty period of the equipment. During this time, the operation and upkeep of the station is the developer’s responsibility – a third-party company such as T-T can provide service agreements that cover service, maintenance and repairs during this period of time. Telemetry monitoring may be installed during this time to allow for remote notifications of status changes and alarms within the station.

T-T’s Service Agreements offer three different levels of support, with optional Seer Monitoring for 24/7 cloud-based data logging and real-time operational status reports for your peace of mind.

Handover & Adoption

Once the maintenance period has been passed a final site inspection will take place to ensure the Water Authority are satisfied that all of their requirements have been met. Following a handover process, the pumping station will be adopted by and become the responsibility of the water authority.

Find out how T-T can assist in the design, installation and commissioning of your adoptable pumping station here - or contact a member of our expert team to discuss your specific site needs by calling +44 (0)1630 647200, emailing [email protected] or completing our online enquiry form.