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Specialists in Bespoke Solutions

After-Sales Services

Discover our range of after-sales services. Our skilled in-house team and on-site engineers specialise in pump maintenance, pump repairs and equipment monitoring. In addition, we offer installation and commissoning of all pump equipment across the UK with breakdown 24/7 callouts. 

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Photograph of a man and a woman in orange high visibility jackets talking and pointing at a piece of white paper in the man's hands, stood in front of a T-T Service Van. Photograph of a man and a woman in orange high visibility jackets talking and pointing at a piece of white paper in the man's hands, stood in front of a T-T Service Van.

Pump Maintenance Packages

Keeping your equipment in optimal working condition for the long-term.

A T-T Repairs engineer repairing a Kino Titan Pump, wearing a yellow high visibility vest and tightening a bolt on the bottom of the pump. A T-T Repairs engineer repairing a Kino Titan Pump, wearing a yellow high visibility vest and tightening a bolt on the bottom of the pump.

Pump Repair Services

Our engineers specialise in clean water pump, wastewater pump and whole pumping system repairs.

A T-T team member sat at a desk computer and monitoring the liquid level status of a pumping station wet well. A T-T team member sat at a desk computer and monitoring the liquid level status of a pumping station wet well.

Equipment Monitoring

We offer the latest in 24/7 pump monitoring units - for peace of mind status monitoring and breakdown prevention.

The back of a T-T Service van driving down a country lane on a sunny day towards an emergency breakdown callout. The back of a T-T Service van driving down a country lane on a sunny day towards an emergency breakdown callout.

Emergency Breakdown Service 

Our engineers are on hand ready to assess and resolve your liquid control issues.

Read about some of our most challenging and interesting projects


Installing and maintaining a private pumping station can be a daunting task for those without prior experience in managing household waste, especially with owners of lift stations holding both environmental and legal duties of care in its operation.

T-T's five divisions collaborate to offer a comprehensive service that encompasses station design, installation, commissioning, and after-sales support; ensuring a stress-free process for our clients.


Why do pumping stations need servicing?
What is a pump maintenance package/service agreement?
What does pump service mean?
What pump maintenance packages do you offer?
What checks are made during service visits?
Are T-T Service Engineers qualified to work on site?
Do you carry out clean water services?
How often should a pump be serviced?
What are the benefits of having a T-T Pump Maintenance Package?
Can I call T-T for advice/maintenance without a pump maintenance package?


How do I arrange emergency breakdown attendance?
How do you prevent unexpected pump breakdowns?
What causes a pump to fail?