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Pelende Water Project - Longest Ride in T-T History

Water tank in Pelende.

Back in November 2022, T-T had a set of control panels and a water purification unit fabricated, crated and ready for shipment to Pelende in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.

Thanks to a series of unforeseen delays, the delivery from the heart of Chesire to the middle of Africa turned into the longest transportation ride in T-T history.

The Pelende Project

For this humanitarian project T-T Controls worked alongside Off Grid Systems once again, with the work made possible thanks to fundraising by The Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur.

The entire works included a complete overhaul of an existing water supply in Pelende. Originally constructed in 1956, it had ceased operation twenty years ago due to age and a lack of proper maintenance.

The refurbishment plans would enable the supply system to draw clear water from a natural spring located nearly 185m below and 850m away from the village, managed by two control panels and fed into a water purification unit all manufactured by T-T.

The Journey

November 2022

The water purification unit and control panels are securely packed, ready to begin their journey to Pelende.

Early December 2022 - Delay #1

The shipment of the container with T-T’s equipment on is delayed due to an issue with a consignment of paint coming from the US. This was resolved in early December and the container was finalised.

December 20th, 2022

The container is shipped from London.

January 2023 - Delay #2

Approximately thirty-four days after shipment, and in line with the equipment’s set schedule, the container arrives in Point Noire in Congo, Brazzaville.

February 2023 - Delay #3

The container lands at the Port of Matadi in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, where the Congolese Government hold the shipments exoneration from tariff for over seven months.

September 2023 - Delay #4

The shipment’s tariff exoneration is processed! But it then takes a further four weeks to settle storage and port charges from the seven-month wait to obtain release of the freight.

October 2023

The equipment is loaded onto a lorry in Kinshasa and sets out for delivery to Pelende within two weeks.

November 2023

Nearly a year after its shipment, T-T’s fabricated control panels and water purification system arrive at their destination.

The panels were installed and commissioned, providing easily accessible and clean water to the people of Pelende.

Learn more about T-T Controls bespoke design and fabrication capabilities on our Bespoke Solutions pages. Or get in touch with one of our experts by calling +44 (0)1630 647200, emailing [email protected] or completing an online enquiry form.