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Bespoke Kiosk for Pumping Station Control Panel

Custom GRP kiosk for dual control panel.

Control systems for both private and adoptable pumping stations are installed above ground in kiosks that shelter them from the elements and protect them from any unauthorised access or vandalism.

For twin pumping stations with dual control systems, panels are typically housed in standardised large walk-in style kiosks that facilitate safe and easy access for operatives. However, not every site can accommodate the large footprint required of this setup.

This was the case for a housing developer who came to our experts for a control panel kiosk without the traditionally large footprint.

Due to space limitations set by the site’s boundaries, the client required a non-standard controls and kiosk solution that still satisfied the requirements of their adoptable grade pumping station.

T-T Controls and T-T Pumping Stations worked together to design a tailor-made solution for the site, consisting of a custom-sized kiosk that fit the parcel of land available and two bespoke control panels that fit within the non-standard container.

Tailor-Made Solutions

At T-T HQ, our experts are equipped with advanced 3D design software and manufacturing facilities that allow them to produce high-quality bespoke products in-house.

Find out how we can tailor solutions for your project today by calling +44 (0)1630 647200, emailing or completing our online enquiry form.